As of July 2018, Canadian Kraft Paper Industries (CKP) forest services have been provided by Nisokapawino Forestry Management Corporation (NFMC), a company owned equally by CKP and Nekoté Limited Partnership (owned by seven Swampy Cree First Nations). As a forest services provider, NFMC is responsible for planning, forest renewal, and certifications. To view our current Forest Management Operating plan or to learn more about NFMC activities and their role within our organization, please go to www.niso.ca.
Responsibility to our Environment
We are committed at all levels of the organization to the protection of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations. Please click here to view more information about our Environmental Policy, Sustainable Forest Management Policy and the Sustainable Forest Management Process.
CKP understands the importance of involving community members in our processes. To ensure this occurs, multiple levels of communication have been built into our forestry planning and renewal processes. Please click here to view more information about our communities, Sustainable Forest Management Planning and Forest Operation Planning. To view information about our current Twenty-Year Forest Management Plan Process, please click here.
We take responsibility for our systems and performance, fostering environmental, economic, and social well-being for the benefit of present and future generations. Our engagement in voluntary certification to three Certification Standards (ISO 14001:EMS, CSA Z809A:SFM, PEFC Chain of Custody) enhances our confidence we are properly caring for this renewable resource. Please click here for more information regarding our certifications.